I realize many people are wary about the idea of acupuncture and have doubts about its efficacy. When I was younger, I had my doubts as well. Through some eye-opening personal experiences, I discovered the many benefits of acupuncture and quickly began studying Chinese Medicine. Over the past 24 years in practice, I have witnessed the power of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to transform people’s health, enrich lives, and inspire much needed changes. I have worked with people from all walks of life; musicians, athletes, celebrity entertainers, food service workers, store clerks, teachers and laborers in various fields – with goals of recovering from injuries or illness or maximizing performances.
Returning to my hometown of Windsor after 40 years absence in California and Oregon has been both a comfortingly familiar and a dizzying new experience, to say the least. Many changes have happened in this town; we’ve lost some gems like Tunnel Barbecue and we’ve gained some gems as well. It is nice to see a growing community of practitioners in all fields of integrative medicine thriving here in Windsor. I could not be more thankful for the new twist in my life journey bringing me back to Windsor and I look forward to sharing this 4000 year old medicine with you.